There are a number of sleep supplements on the market claiming to help induce lucid dreaming. I, unsurprisingly, will be setting out to test some of them and give my reviews in the near future. But what exactly is lucid dreaming, and should you want to have lucid dreams?
Some sleep supplements — like Iron Dream and even ZMA — can give you “funky” and very vivid dreams, but while these dreams can be hyperrealistic, the realism isn’t enough to make a dream a lucid dream. For a dream to be categorized as lucid, there has to be an awareness, throughout the dream, that you ARE dreaming. Many people have had these a handful of times in their lives, but there are groups of people now out to replicate that experience with predictability and repeatability.
Scientists studying lucid dreaming have discovered a positive correlation between gamma activity and lucid dreaming, as well as acetylcholine and lucid dreaming. There is also observational data citing lucid dream sleep to be more restful than normal SWS and REM sleep — and some very early evidence indicating improvement in cognitive function. While more studies are needed to back up those claims, a number of companies like Onnit and Dream Leaf have invested in developing supplements that can help induce lucid dreams.
I have tested both Alpha Brain and Lucid Dream and have had good experiences with both.
Read my Alpha BRAIN review here, and find out about my experience taking Alpha BRAIN and New Mood together.
If you think you would like to try lucid dreaming, it may be worth it to give one of these supplements a try. And if you are a lucid dreamer, I would love to hear what works for you.