Supplement Your Sleep

The Best Sleep Supplements to Deal with All Nighters

If you’ve ever had to pull an all-nighter, you know that sometimes the hardest part is the day after. Whether you drink coffee, or take other stimulants to stay up through the night, the consequences of a sleepless night are dire.

Because you are overriding your body’s hormonal signal to go to sleep, a number of of other hormones see that as an opportunity to act out. Cortisol is usually released while you sleep to help you get ready for any stressful situations that may come up the following day. When you skip sleep, the body releases extra cortisol, that could make you feel anxious, jittery, and depressed. Ghrelin, the hormone responsible for signaling hunger, also goes into overproduction mode with anything less than 6 hours of sleep. So in additional to feeling cranky, you are also constantly hungry.

To add insult to injury, studies show that some memories are sleep-dependent; this means that you may have a hard time remembering whatever information you stayed up working on, simply because you didn’t sleep on it.

While I do my best to avoid all-nighters, sometimes they just happen. To help me get through the following day, I stack a number of supplements, in an effort to try and minimize the damage.

How do you handle all nighters? Do you have any tips or tricks that help you get through the day after?

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